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The common version of SHIELD

The common version of the SHIELD code includes the following features:

  • Transport of N, p , K, Anti N, and atomic nuclei in energy range up to 1 TeV/A.
  • Geometric configuration of the target as an arbitrary combination of bodies bounded by the second order surfaces (the Combinatorial Geometry compatible) [1-2].
  • Arbitrary chemical and isotopic composition of materials in target zones.
  • Ionization losses of charged hadrons and nuclear fragments according to the Bethe-Bloch equation or using the ATIMA code.
  • Two- and three-particle modes of decay of pions and kaons.
  • Simulation of the inelastic hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interaction in exclusive approach ( MSDM-generator).
  • Memorizing of the extranuclear cascade tree during simulation without any loss of physics information.
  • Forming of the source of neutrons (En< 14.5 MeV) as well as of the sources of electrons/positrons and g -quanta, which were born at simulation of the extranuclear cascade.
  • Neutron transport (En < 14.5 ÌýÂ) on the basis of the 28-group neutron data ABBN [3]. The possibility of jointed using of SHIELD and MCNP is foreseen.
  • Analog and weighted modes of the simulation, an open architecture of the code.
  • Scoring of the energy deposition in each geometric zone of the target.
  • Scoring of the production rates of radioisotopes in each geometric zone of the target and subsequent calculation of activation and cooling of the target using the DCHAIN-SP code [4,5].
  • Track Length Estimation (TLE) of differential fluences of secondary particles and nuclear fragments in each geometric zone of the target.

The total and inelastic cross sections of the hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interaction are calculated according to [6-8]. These cross sections are used for sampling of the nuclear interaction pass length as well as for choice of the interaction type (inelastic/elastic).

  1. M.B.Emmet. The MORSE Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code System, ORNL-4972 (1975).
  2. A.V.Dementyev. GEMCA-the Module for Description of Geometric Configurations . Preprint INR RAS 872/94, Moscow, 1994 (in Russian).
  3. L.P.Abagyan, N.O.Bazazyants, M.N.Nikolaev, A.M.Tsibulya. Group Constants for Reactor and Shielding Calculations. Energoizdat, Moscow, 1981 (in Russian).
  4. H.Takada, K.Kosako. Development of the DCHAIN SP for Analysis Decay and Build-up Characteristics of Spallation Products. JAERI Data/Code 99 008.
  5. N.M.Sobolevsky, L.N.Latysheva, E.Mustafin. Adaptation of the DCHAIN-SP code for joint using with the SHIELD transport code. Preprint INR RAS 1253/2010, Moscow, 2010 (in Russian).
  6. V.S.Barashenkov. Cross Sections of Interaction of Particles and Nuclei with Nuclei. JINR, Dubna, 1993, (in Russian).
  7. V.S.Barashenkov, A.Polanski. Electronic Guide for Nuclear Cross Sections. JINR E2 94 417, Dubna, 1994.
  8. B.S.Sychev. Cross Sections of Interaction of High-Energy Hadrons with Atomic Nuclei. MRTI RAS, Moscow, 1999 (in Russian).
Contact person: Prof. Nikolai Sobolevsky, e-mail:, òåë. (495)850 42 61
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