
Session of the Scientific Council of the INR RAS
on "Fundamental problems of neutrino physics"

devoted to the 70th Jubilee of Vladimir GAVRIN
April 15, 2011 Institute for Nuclear Research RAS, Moscow,
60th October Anniversary prospect, 7a

In the Institute of Nuclear Research in Moscow, April 15, 2011 will be held session of the Scientific Council of INR RAS "Fundamental problems of neutrino physics". This session is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor V.N. Gavrin, whose fundamental contributions to underground physics in Russia has received international recognition.

Vladimir Gavrin widely known in the neutrino physics as head of the laboratory of Gallium-germanium neutrino telescope at the Baksan Neutrino Observatory of INR, and co-head of the Russian-American collaboration SAGE. The results obtained during 20-year period of measurements in SAGE, made a significant contribution to the solar neutrino problem. It is pertinent to note that the collaboration of SAGE was founded 25 years ago, signing a historic agreement between the Institute of Nuclear Research and Los Alamos National Laboratory.

The Program

1. Stanislav Mikheev (INR RAS) Neutrino oscillations in matter

2. Evgeny Veretenkin (INR RAS) GGNT: stages of development and main achievements

3. Hiro Ejiri (RCNP, Osaka Univ.) Nuclear responses for low energy solar neutrinos and double beta decays

4. Valery Gorbachev (INR RAS) SAGE neutrino source experiments

5. Yuriy Khomyakov (IPPE) Experience of cooperation between Rosatom and the INR, to create an artificial neutrino sources

6. Yuri Toporov (RIAR) Production of radionuclides at JSC "SCC Research Institute of Atomic Reactors" Feasibility of creation of a 51Cr neutrino source

13:00-13:30 Coffee break

7. Olga Suvorova (INR RAS) Natural high energy neutrino fluxes and hidden mass of the Universe

8. Alexander Studenikin (MSU) Electromagnetic properties and new bounds on magnetic moments of neutrino

9. Yuri Kudenko (INR RAS) Oscillations of accelerator neutrino

10. Dmitry Gorbunov (INR RAS) Cosmological aspects of models with sterile neutrino

11. Valery Sinev (INR RAS) Oscillations of reactor neutrino

12. Grigory Domogatskiy (INR RAS) Baikal neutrino experiment - Expedition-2011


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