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IPAC 2014 5-th International Particle
Accelerator Conference15 - 20 June 2014 / Germany, Dresden
J.W. McKenzie, P.A. Goudket, T.J. Jones, B.L. Militsyn, L.S. Cowie, G. Burt, V.V. Paramonov “Cavity design
for S-band Photoinjector RF Gun with 400 Hz
Repetition Rate”. |
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Linac 2014 27th Linear Accelerator Conference 31 August - 05 September 2014 /
B.L.Militsyn, L.S. Cowie, P. Goudket, J.W.McKenzie, G. Burt,T.J. Jone, V.V. Paramonov, A.K. Skasyrskaya, “Design of the High Repetition Rate
Photocathode Gun for
the CLARA project.” V. Paramonov, “Limitations for Acceleration of
Intermediate Mass Particles with Traveling Wave Structure. Proc. Linac V. Paramonov, “Comparison of Normal ConductingHigh Energy Accelerating Structures for a
Moderate Operating Frequency”. |
XXIV Russian Particle Accelerator
Conference RuPAC-2014, Obninsk, Russia, October 6-10, 2014. 1.
A.V.Feschenko, A.N.Mirzojan, V.A.Moiseev,
O.M.Volodkevich. «Beam formation for different energies on the target of INR isotope
complex with the transversephase space parameters demande». 2.
O.Volodkevich, S.Bragin, A.Feschenko, O.Grekhov, Yu.Kiselev, V.Kokhanyuk, V.Mikhailov, A.Mirzojan, V.Serov . «Use of fast
magnetic beam raster system for INR isotope production facility». 3.
E.S. Nikulin, A.S. Belov, O.T. Frolov, L.P. Nechaeva, A.V. Turbabin, V.N. Zubets, «INR RAS linac proton
injector 100 Hz operation mode». 4.
O.T. Frolov, A. S. Belov, S.E. Golubovskyi, E. S. Nikulin and
V. N. Zubets, «Time dependence of ion beam transverse
phase-space portrait orientation during linac
proton injector pulse». 5. S. Gavrilov,
P. Reinhardt-Nickoulin, 6. O.M. Volodkevich, V.N. Zubets, Yu.V. Kiselev, V.S. Klenov. «Development of remote control system for H-minus ions
source of INR Linac». 7.
B.A.Frolov, V.S.Klenov,, V.N.Mihailov,
O.M. Volodkevich. «Simulation and optimization of ion optical
extraction, acceleration and h- ion beam matching systems». 8.
V.V. Paramonov, V. N. Leontiev, A.P. Durkin, A.A. Kolomiets.
Frequency High Intensity High Energy 9.
L.V. Kravchuk, V.V. Paramonov, «Experience in
Research, Development, Construction and Commissioning of Normally Conducting Accelerating
Structures». |
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International Symposium on Spin Physics, SPIN 2014, October 20-24,
2014, Beijing, China. 2. V.V. Fimushkin, A.D. Kovalenko, L.V. Kutuzova, Yu.V.Prokofichev, A.S. Belov, V.N. Zubets, A.V. Turbabin, “Status of the new source of polarized
ions for the JINR accelerator complex”. |
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