1.     S.Е.Bragin, A.V.Feschenko, A.N.Mirzojan, V.A.Moiseev, O.M.Volodkevich. Beam formation for different energies on the target of inr isotope complex with the transversephase space parameters demande. Proceedings of XXIV Russian Particle Accelerator Conference RuPAC-2014, Obninsk, Russia, October 6-10, 2014.


2.     O.Volodkevich, S.Bragin, A.Feschenko, O.Grekhov, Yu.Kiselev, V.Kokhanyuk, V.Mikhailov, A.Mirzojan, V.Serov . Use of fast magnetic beam raster system for INR isotope production facility. Proceedings of XXIV Russian Particle Accelerator Conference RuPAC-2014, Obninsk, Russia, October 6-10, 2014.


3.     E.S. Nikulin, A.S. Belov, O.T. Frolov, L.P. Nechaeva, A.V. Turbabin, V.N. Zubets, “INR RAS LINAC PROTON INJECTOR 100 Hz OPERATION MODE”, Report on Russian Particle Accelerator Conference RUPAC 2014, Obninsk, Russia,  2014.


4.     O.T. Frolov, A. S. Belov, S.E. Golubovskyi, E. S. Nikulin and V. N. Zubets, Time dependence of ion beam transverse phase-space portrait orientation during linac proton injector pulse”, Report  on Russian Particle Accelerator Conference RUPAC 2014, Obninsk, Russia,  2014.


5.     A. S. Belov, “Design of Transversal Phase Space Meter for Atomic Hydrogen Beam Source”, Report on 21th International Symposium on Spin Physics, SPIN 2014, October 20-24, 2014, Beijing, China.


6.     V.V. Fimushkin, A.D. Kovalenko, L.V. Kutuzovaa, Yu.V. Prokofichev,  A.S. Belov, V.N. Zubets, A.V. Turbabin, “STATUS OF THE NEW SOURCE OF POLARIZED IONS FOR THE JINR ACCELERATOR COMPLEX”, Report on 21th International Symposium on Spin Physics, SPIN 2014, October 20-24, 2014, Beijing, China. 


7.     CAST collaboration (A. S. Belov, S. N. Gninenko from INR RAS), “Search for Solar Axions by the CERN Axion Solar Telescope with 3He Buffer Gas: Closing the Hot Dark Matter Gap”, http://arxiv.org/abs/1307.1985, PRL 112, 091302 (2014).


8.     AEGIS collaboration, (A. S. Belov, S. N. Gninenko, V. A. Matveev from INR RAS), “ A moiré deflectometer for antimatter”, Nature Communications, 5, 453, doi:10.1038/ncomms5538,  2014.


9.     AEGIS collaboration, (A. S. Belov, S. N. Gninenko, V. A. Matveev from INR RAS), Detection of low energy antiproton annihilations in a segmented silicon detector”, JINST, 9, P06020, 2014.


10.            S. Gavrilov, P. Reinhardt-Nickoulin, I. Vasilyev. Electrostatic pick-ups for debunched beams at INR linac. Proceedings of «XXIV Russian Particle Accelerator Conference RuPAC-2014», Obninsk, Russia, October 6-10, 2014.


11.            S. Gavrilov, P. Reinhardt-Nickoulin, I. Vasilyev. Electrostatic pick-ups for debunched beams. 2014 JINST 9 T1007.


12.            S. Gavrilov, A. Feschenko, P. Reinhardt-Nickoulin, I.Vasilyev. Two-dimensional non-destructive diagnostics for accelerators by Beam Cross section Monitor. 2014 JINST 9 P01011.


13.            O.M. Volodkevich, V.N. Zubets, Yu.V. Kiselev, V.S. Klenov. Development of remote control system for H-minus ions source of INR Linac. Proceedings of XXIV Russian Particle Accelerator Conference RuPAC-2014, Obninsk, Russia, October 6-10, 2014.


14.            B.A.Frolov, V.S.Klenov,, V.N.Mihailov, O.M. Volodkevich. Simulation and optimization of  ion optical extraction, acceleration and h- ion beam matching systems. Proceedings of XXIV Russian Particle Accelerator Conference RuPAC-2014, Obninsk, Russia, October 6-10, 2014.


15.             K. Floettmann, V. Paramonov. Beam dynamics in transverse deflecting rf structures. Physical Review ST Accelerators and Beams, v 17, 024001, 2014.



16.             J.W. McKenzie, P.A. Goudket, T.J. Jones, B.L. Militsyn, L.S. Cowie, G. Burt, V.V. Paramonov, Cavity design for S-band Photoinjector RF Gun with 400 Hz Repetition Rate, Proc. IPAC 2014, p. 2983, 2014.


17.             V. Paramonov, L. Kravchuk,  P. Orlov, K. Floettmann, Deflecting RF Structures with Reduced Level of  Aberrations for Transformation of Particle Distribution in the Bunch. Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2014, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 636–641, ISSN 1547-4771, 2014.


18.           J.W. McKenzie, G. Burt, L.S. Cowie, P. Goudket, T.J. Jones, B.L. Militsyn, V. Paramonov. High Repetition Rate S-band Photoinjector Design for the CLARA FEL, Proc. FEL 2014, 2014



19.           V. Paramonov, Comparison of Normal ConductingHigh Energy Accelerating Structures for a Moderate Operating Frequency, Proc. Linac  2014, MOPP125, 2014


20.           V. Paramonov, Limitations for Acceleration of Intermediate Mass Particles with Traveling Wave Structure. Proc.  Linac  2014, TUPP121, 2014


21.            B.L.Militsyn, L.S. Cowie, P. Goudket, J.W.McKenzie, G. Burt,T.J. Jone, V.V. Paramonov, A.K. Skasyrskaya,  Design of the High Repetition Rate Photocathode Gun for the CLARA project, Proc.  Linac  2014, THPP126, 2014


22.            V.V. Paramonov, V. N. Leontiev, A.P. Durkin,  A.A. Kolomiets,  Single Frequency High Intensity High Energy Normal Conducting Hadron Linac,   Proc.  RuPAC  2014, THPSC07, 2014


23.             L.V. Kravchuk, V.V. Paramonov, Experience in Research, Development, Construction and Commissioning of  Normally Conducting Accelerating Structures. Proc.  RuPAC  2014, THX02, 2014